Sorry it's been so long since my last blog.... I've been busy with Race for the Cure and other projects :) My girlfriends and I completed our annual trip to Dallas for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure! It was amazing, to say the least!
But, now for the good stuff: Baby Talk!
I think I told you guys that I was taking fertility pills to make me ovulate (I'm talking Jon & Kate type stuff here). Well, low & behold... it WORKED! I was performing my usual morning ritual with my little ovulation stick, hopped in the shower, and expected to see a single line on the test strip.... But, to my surprise there they were: two perfectly bold, parallel pink lines! Hallelujah, I OVULATED! (lol)
So, I spent the rest of Tuesday morning like a wild woman.... couldn't concentrate on a thing, and paced the floor at work until I was finally able to get in touch with my doctor. So, it was set. We were to come in Wednesday morning, and she would perform IUI. Surprisingly, I was a lot less frantic than I expected I would be. I think that's mostly in part to my awesome girlfriends, who are refusing to let me throw anymore pity parties, let alone worry myself to death.
So..... yesterday we traveled to DeSoto to see Dr. King. Needless to say we were very nervous, but we were also very excited. I'm not quite sure how to explain it, but it's like a calmness swept over me. I honestly think it was all of the love and good vibes my friends and family were sending our way, and I truly believe that I could feel all of their wonderful thoughts!
The procedure went about as good as it could, but now comes the hard part.... We wait. Yep, that's it.... just waiting. Waiting to see if we have a Michael Phelps in there somewhere that can get this thing done so we can finally get the show on the road! I don't know how my poor husband is going to make it through these next few weeks. He wanted to know how long until I could take a pregnancy test, and I told him four weeks - "FOUR WEEKS?!?!?!" he yelled (lol). I know, that part is the pits.
So, now we'll all just have to hold our horses and think of something else for the next month. Hopefully, I'll wake up one morning... nauseated... pale as a ghost... craving pickles & peanut butter :) I definitely look forward to being pregnant! I sure hope we don't have to wait long.
Until next time.....
And yes, your friends are waiting with you!